Aqua Gard® — Proactive Well Cleaning & Preventive Maintenance

With 35 years experience and more than 8000 well rehabilitations globally, we’re convinced it’s far better to maintain yield and efficiency than try to recover it. This experience led to the development of the Aqua Gard® preventive Well Maintenance Systems, where proactive rather than reactive cleaning has proved to be more efficient and much more economical.
Aqua Gard® inhibits well plugging and places your well on a sustainable path into the future by incorporating the permanent placement of energy injection equipment installed in the well with your pump in place. This allows your well to be effectively maintained with annual service events without removing the pump—it’s a win-win.
Aqua Gard®
- Improved Well Performance
- Lower Cost for Well Maintenance
- No Need to Pull the Pump
- Reduced Energy Costs
- Maintains Well Production
- Keep Surfaces Clean
- Less Unsafe Bacterial Samples
- Increases the Life of the Well
- Maintains Pore Volume in the Well and Aquifier
- Reduces Your Carbon Footprint
The Aqua Gard®
system is ideal for:
- Screened wells
- Open hole wells
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Collector wells
- Injection wells
- Environmental recovery wells
A well equipped & serviced with Aqua Gard® will:
- Produce more consistent yields
- Significantly reduce electric cost
- Increase the life of the well
- Reduce well cleaning cost
- Improve Water quality
The Process
The Aqua Gard® system can be retrofitted to an existing well following a through rehabilitation effort, or designed and installed during new well construction. Each Aqua Gard® system is designed to position the injection points to coincide with the water-bearing zones, assuring a complete well cleaning. A scheduled periodic cleaning service is performed, usually in one day, reducing downtime, maintenance, and pumping energy cost, all, while ensuring the well surfaces are kept clean for improved water quality, increased flow and efficiency, at fixed budget pricing. Aqua Gard® can be installed in wells with both submersible and vertical line shaft turbine pumps, collector, horizontal, angle wells and ASR injection wells.
Restore your water well and place it on a path to sustainability, while reducing your costs by contacting Subsurface Technologies at 845-567-0695.

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