Authorized Providers
Caution – Don’t be fooled by imposters!
Because of the tremendous worldwide success of the Aqua Freed® well rehabilitation technology during the past 34 years of commercial use, some companies have begun producing CO2 injection “Knock Off” methods (Surge & Purge, Fresh Flow, etc.). These processes inject CO2 in some form, however they do not come with the extensive years of applied science or the know-how developed during that period on thousands of wells. With Aqua Freed®, each well treatment candidate is carefully analyzed and our Technical Department, with more than 34 years of well rehabilitation experience, provides the highest level of technical support available only to our authorized providers listed below. To ensure that your treatment is a success, the integrity of your well is secure and if you want the very best in well Rehabilitation Technology there is only one Aqua Freed®.
Products & Intellectual Property Insured Through:

United States

Authorized Provider
Entire United States,
EXCEPT Washington and Idaho
Contact Information
Subsurface Technologies Inc.
40 Stone Castle Road
Rock Tavern, New York 12575
Phone: 845.567.0695
Fax: 845.567.1035
Authorized Provider
Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut
Contact Information
Denis L. Maher Co.
Weston & Sampson
44 Concord St.,
Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887
Phone: 978.573.4020
Authorized Provider
Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Georgia and New Jersey
Contact Information
USG Water Solutions
535 General Courtney Hodges Blvd.
Perry, GA 31069
Contact: John Aufderheide
Phone: 317.408.0651
Authorized Provider
Washington and Idaho
Contact Information
Water Recovery Systems, LLC
PO Box 1397
Moses Lake, Washington 98837
Phone: 509.989.8428
Authorized Provider
Contact Information
Nissaku Co., LTD
No. 199-3, Sakuragi-cho 4 chome
Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi
Saitama 330-0854, Japan
Phone: +81.48.637.7195
Fax: +81.48.644.3958